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Sunday 9 October 2011

Welcome to India

Honnkkkkkk honk. Beep. Beep. Beep. Honkkkk. 
It’s morning here in India and the streets are already crowded and alive with the hustle and bustle of the 4,010,238 million of people that live in this city. I have been in here in India now for 2 weeks so I have began to form a familiarity with the culture and the city.  The rides in the riqshaws, the traffic, the millions of little motorcycles, the stares from the people, the dirt, the pollution, the crowds, the curry and rice (every single day x3), the spices, the smells, the “hellooooooo madams,” the chai, the squatty toilets, the lack of toilet paper, the bucket showers, the fact that all electricity goes out in the whole city for a couple hours several times a day, the traditional Punjabis we must wear everyday- always adjourned with a scarf even though the sun is shining brutally down on my skin. I have gotten used to the head bobbling and the Indian accent. The fact that there is no air conditioner and my skin and hair and nails often go unattended to.  

And as I awoke this morning on the thin cushion I call my bed and looked around at the pale pink, rust stained walls that I call my room and waddled over to my bathroom to pour cool water from a bucket over my skin to clean off -I just thought- I love my life.  What a privilege it is to be here.  I guess my conditions wouldn’t be ideal to everyone but I can say with great confidence (again and again) that there is no better place in the world to be than in the will of God. Knowing this is where my Father wants me makes it not just easy, but enjoyable to be able to only brush my teeth when there is a clean bottle of water around. These are my circumstances. This is my situation. But there is so much grace when you choose to accept where you’re at and learn to appreciate things in your circumstances.

These people are beautiful and hospitable. They are kind and innovative and hungry to know the love of a Savior.  

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