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Thursday 16 August 2012

‘You said, “Ask and I’ll give the nations to you.” Oh Lord, that’s the cry of my heart.

A few months ago I sat in a classroom in Australia and I found myself having a conversation with the Lord.

After some debating and deep contemplation I concluded that I could never return to work in India again.
It was a strange thought to be having. It was a strange conclusion to come to, especially because while I was in India, I absolutely loved it. It was an amazing experience.  I love India. I love the Indian people and I loved working at the hospital. And in the midst of all that I experienced in that country there was always so much grace to get through it. 
However, in that moment when I found myself sitting in the classroom reflecting back, I couldn’t believe what I had been exposed to. The severity of the conditions for the women. The utter filth that clung to the hospital. The disrespect. The chaos. The death.
I don’t want to wipe cockroaches off a woman in labor ever again.
I don’t want to watch a baby get thrown into a cardboard box because it didn’t survive the birth. Where’s the value in life in that?
I remember every time I delivered a baby girl there was a surge of disappointment that came from the mother. And it’s not just the mother’s fault for being bothered by a female baby- it’s the pressure the society has put on her. She has failed and now she has to not only live with the consequences but pay for it as well.

It hurts to see that.
And I didn’t want my heart to be broken by these things anymore.  
I wasn’t sure I was capable of it.
And in a moment of weakness I allowed myself to think, “if I never go again, maybe I can forget about it.”

But God met me in my weakness. He didn’t let me walk away with that thought in my mind. Immediately He brought me to a place of conviction. He brought understanding. He showed me His heart.
He is so gracious.
It’s like He gently whispered to me, “beloved, this is not my heart either. And its hurting me too. I love my people. I want their circumstances to be different.”
And then He reminded me of the passion He has given me to see things change in government hospitals in the developing nations. If I have a heart for it, why don’t I go where it can be the toughest? Start from the bottom. See the fruit.

And so that’s why it is a great privilege for me to announce that I will be returning to work in India at the end of September.

Donning the traditional clothes, bobbling my head, and sipping on chai- I’m going with a group of incredibly eager and passionate midwife students and we’re going to storm that nation.  We’re going to be God’s hands and feet for the women who are so deserving of it. We are going to welcome life into the world and claim it for the Kingdom. We are going to wipe the cockroaches off and clean the beds and we’re going to do it, not by our own strength, but with the joy and the strength of the Lord.

Give us India, Lord. We're asking for this nation. 

In order to go, I will be needing to raise $5,000 by the end of this month. That’s a lot of money. I know I serve a God that holds all the money in the world. It’s nothing for Him. And I believe He is going to provide for me. So I’m pressing into Him to a release of it. Would you join me in prayer as I seek breakthrough in the area of finances?

If you are able to financially contribute, in any way- even a small donation makes a big difference, you can do that through the secure donate button on my page or you can email me and I can give you some more options at
Right now I am really trusting for some fundraising strategies. If you, or anyone you know can help with fundraising please let me know.

I look forward to being back on the field and sharing my stories with you.

Bless you!

1 comment:

  1. We don't know each other but I have been reading your blog and praying for you almost about a year now. What the Lord has done and is doing through your obedience is beautiful and heavenly. Thanks for sharing your raw and true emotions. You tell it like you see it and you don't hold back. Thanks for letting me be apart of this journey you are on. Your life for Christ is displayed for all to see. We all need reminders that all it takes is one obedient, humble, loving servant to do the work of the Master. I pray for your next journey into India. I praise God for the money we know he will provide. I pray for the protection of your soul in those dark and lonely hospitals. I pray for the women and men whose lives will be deeply moved by Christ in you. I pray that God will continue to grant you favor as you seek to love India. I know our Lord is well pleased with you.
