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Sunday 13 May 2012

week 4: Over (and sometimes under) the river and through the woods...

Today I feel like I got hit by a semi truck- after finishing an invasive surgery on my back. The pain is well worth the experience though. I went white water rafting down the Nile River with a few of my friends. It wasn't until we were on the river that we were told we would be rafting grade 5 rapids- which happens to be the highest grade possible to raft and apparently the most dangerous.
I swallowed a lot of water and besides having incredibly sore muscles, I also have picked up a pretty rough cold.
perhaps the reason why I am in so much pain today?
 I am heading to the Islands again tomorrow though(who-hooo!) so I wanted the chance to give a quick update since I won't have internet access for the next week.
Because of my physical condition , which I take fully responsibility for (i'd do it again in a second) I am going to try and keep this one short.

I was on the home team this week. If you don't remember what that is, you can scroll down to a few posts ago and read about what that means.

I started the week off with a trip to the capital city, Kampala -again. Because of some issues going on with my Australian visa I have to continue to make the trip to the big city to get things taken care of. The doctors visit went well but after the doctor I got an email that basically told me I wouldn't be getting into Australia anytime soon. My natural emotion was to be upset. I am still working on remaining joyful in the midst of bad news. How do people do it? I let my flesh take over and spent most of the day crying and questioning why this was happening to me.
It wasn't until the next morning when I really took the time to sit with the Lord and ask Him that question that I felt like I got an answer. I really felt challenged to stand firm on the truth that God is good and He makes a way for His children. I know I was called to be apart of this school and part of this school is going back to Australia to debrief the year and say goodbye to the girls that have become my sisters. I think when we walk in Gods will we put our self in the front line of the battle. We're attacked and yet we have the capability to remain victorious. A lot of scripture references to suffering so I think it kind of goes without saying that we aren't above it happening. However, in the midst of things not going the way we think they should we still have an option to respond from a place of trust and understanding- instead of allowing our self front row seats to our own pity party.
I like the way the Message puts this scripture in James 1:
 2-4Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.
 5-8If you don't know what you're doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You'll get his help, and won't be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who "worry their prayers" are like wind-whipped waves. Don't think you're going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open. 

Am I preaching right now? I think I might be. Well let me just wrap this up by saying I also felt like God told me that in 3 days I would see breakthrough. I was apprehensive to speak out something so bold. I had just gotten an email that had basically told me it would be 2 weeks before I heard anything. But I stepped out in faith. I trusted my understanding of God and remembered the power in His voice and I shared this news with my team. Three days later, quite early in the morning I got on the internet and saw that my health requirements had been approved for the granting of my visa. Hallelujah! This was my main hold up and it got approved in 3 days. Almost unheard of. God is so faithful. So thank you for your prayers. Seriously. I know you guys are praying for me and this story has to be written proof that God is hearing our prayers. Now I just need the actual visa to be granted this week. I'm hopeful for the outcome.

Besides my visa, I was actually apart of ministry this week too. We did some teaching, spent a day at the hospital, visited and prayed with some people in one of the nearby villages, spent some time at an orphanage and went to a women's prison where I ended up having a dance off with a woman triple my age. Let me tell you... Grandma's got some moves!

I am really appreciating the culture here. It's so different from my own, but it helps bridge my gap of misunderstanding the way things are around the world. 

this beautiful bub lost his mom in delivery. .
I played soccer with some of the local kids (and even with 10 years of experience under my belt the 7 year olds still totally skilled me) I spent my evenings at a prayer/worship meeting with some teachers from Uganda. We went late most of the nights and spent a lot of time just shaking our hips. Worship looks really different in Uganda. It is no surprise to anyone but I will say it anyway- YES, Africans can indeed dance! And even if they can't, I know it wouldn't stop them. I appreciate their willingness to step out. There is definitely other things they struggle with but looking foolish is not one of them. That's something I think in the West we battle with on a daily basis- this fear of looking foolish. I'm learning to feel more comfortable in my skin and I thank that people of Uganda for that.

I'm reminded on a daily basis that my adventure here is soon coming to an end. Besides the fact that I have a constant reminder that I'm running out of time for my visa, my teammates and I can't deny the realization that this lifestyle will soon just be a great memory. I can't imagine not living with so many women. It's just all I've done for the last year. If you want to be challenged-community living is definitely the way to go. I have grown so much just by living with so many other people. Learning to be selfless mostly. Honoring others above myself. My team has challenged me, sharpened me, and allowed an atmosphere for a lot of personal/character growth. It hasn't always been easy though. Often times I come home and my computers being used or its uncharged, I can't find my phone, someone's eaten my food and wearing my skirt and sitting on my bed. I can allow the thought of "this bothers me" to enter into my head...but I've learned to push that away. I love living like "what's yours is mine" I feel honored that these girls feel comfortable enough with me that they can take my stuff. It really puts into perspective not storing my treasures here on earth. I like that I have no option but to share my things, because after all they aren't really MY things. 

I definitely look forward to a hot shower someday soon. And a toilet. And clothes that have been washed, for a change. Who knows, maybe I'll even get to drive an actual car and not squeeze on the back of a motorcycle with 2 other people on it. I look forward to a day when I don't live with crawling creatures of all various shapes and sizes and I don't have to be concerned for the well being of my life every time I take a sip of water. I remember that these things do indeed exists and when I get to experience them once again, I am sure I will have some form of celebration. But in the meantime I'm genuinely happy where I'm at. Dirty feet and all.

And I said this one was going to be short.

Before I go though, let me just end by saying Happy Mother's Day to all of you mommas out there. I am genuinely amazed by you and extremely appreciative of what you do on a daily basis. I think every day should be Mother's Day, ladies. Maybe just without the expectation of carnations and picture frames? Maybe. 

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