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Monday 9 April 2012

statistics are in

I hope you all had  a  beautiful Easter.

I know I said I was "signing off" until Uganda but I got the chance to go to the internet one more time before we board the bus in just a few hours (14- to be exact) I thought it was important to share our statistics. And I share not because I think the numbers are important, per say, but I think the proof that God's at work is worthy of being mentioned.

since October we have delivered 561 babies. I just gotta pause here and picture what a room filled with 561 people would look like and I'm amazed.

since our time in Tanzania (minus a couple weeks that haven't been calculated in yet) we have...
seen 113 salvations
shared Jesus with 964 people
prayed for 2,135 people
seen 3 healings and 24 other miracles
and provided healthcare to 1,661 people.

Today we are running around and getting last minute things done, as you do when you are leaving a country. I'm trying to prep myself for this 24 hour bus ride. I was reminded of a doctor from Burma who came and spoke to us on our school in Perth. He shared a story from when he was hiking through the mountains of Burma to be able to reach a village in desperate need of healthcare. In order to reach them he had to hike continuously for 3 days- without sleep.

How can someone survive without sleep?? That was the natural question that came immedietaley after this causal story was shared.

"I just said NO! to sleep," he said matter-of-factly. 

No to sleep?!?  C'mon, you can't say no to sleep. But he did. And he made it to the village and he helped his people. And I think beyond the fact that this man is sharing that he is a super human, his heart was sharing that we do not need to be controlled by our circumstances. I can be tired (waking up at 4am can do that to you) and I can be hot and exhausted (riding on a bus through Africa makes that easy) but I don't need to turn into a miserable person because my circumstance could be potentially "miserable." I don't have the right. I don't get to pick when I am in a good mood and when I can't be bothered to be kind.

I'm exited for what's in store for me for the next couple days. I actually love road trips. And I happen to love Africa, so I've practically hit the jackpot. I will remember though, the words of the Burmese doctor when its been 16 hours and I can't believe I still have 8 more to go. I'll just say, "NO" to the poor attitude that tries to force itself out of me and I will rejoice in what I get to be doing.

I'll leave (for real this time) with a good song, click (or copy and paste)  if you have the time and enjoy.

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